Justice Cenceria Edwards, Fellow, was installed as the President of the Brooklyn Women’s Bar Association during the BWBA’s annual instillation ceremony on June 24.

Justice Edwards was elected justice of the New York State Supreme Court, Second Judicial District, presiding in Brooklyn in November 2022. She has also served as Acting Justice of the New York State Supreme Court, Civil Term, Kings County, and as a judge of the New York City Civil Court, Kings County, in addition to being a certified public accountant.
She has published “A View from the New York City Civil Court Bench: Vacating Default Judgments — The Self-Represented Litigant” and “New York State Procedural Processes to Vacate a Default — The Self-Represented Litigant,” among others. She has also served as a lecturer at the New York State Judicial Institute on Default Judgments.
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