Marvin S.C. Dang, Patron Fellow, was named as the 2022-2023 Recipient of the President’s Award from the National Creditors Bar Association. The award is solely up to the direction of the NCBA Board President and goes to someone who demonstrates leadership within the NCBA community.

In the announcement, then NCBA Board President Steve Markoff said that Mr. Dang served the NCBA as Co-Chair of the Bylaws Committee and the DEI Committee, as a Board Director, and in the Officer position of Parliamentarian.
He is currently the Managing Member of the Law Offices of Marvin S. C. Dang in Honolulu, Hawaii. Separately, Marvin is also a partner in Nelson & Kennard, which is a California law firm doing business in 8 states; he co-manages the Hawaii office which focuses on civil litigation. He is also currently the Secretary for the ABA, where his term runs from 2023-2026.
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