Premal Dharia, Fellow, will be releasing a new book co-edited with James Forman Jr., and Maria Hawilo, titled Dismantling Mass Incarceration: A Handbook for Change. The book features a collection of contributions that focus on various approaches to confronting the carceral state.

The book will be released on July 9th by Macmillan. It features contributions from Angela Y. Davis, Clint Smith, and Larry Krasner along with local organizers, advocates, scholars, lawyers, and judges, as well as people who have been incarcerated.
Dharia currently serves as the Executive Director of the Institute to End Mass Incarceration at Harvard Law School. Prior to leading the Institute, she spent nearly 15 years as a public defender in three different places: the Public Defender Service in Washington, D.C., the Office of the Federal Public Defender in Baltimore, Maryland, and the military commission at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
Read more about the book here.