2025 February New York Fellows Virtual Event

Please join the New York State Co-Chairs, Vince Chang and Adrienne Koch for a virtual presentation by ABF Affiliated Scholar, Robin Bartram.
Complimentary Zoom Event, register to receive Zoom link.
12:30-1:30 PM ET
Stacked Decks: Building Inspectors and the Reproduction of Urban Inequality
A startling look at the power and perspectives of city building inspectors as they navigate unequal housing landscapes. Though we rarely see them at work, building inspectors have the power to significantly shape our lives through their discretionary decisions. The building inspectors of Chicago are at the heart of Professor Bartram’s analysis of how individuals’ impact—or attempt to impact—housing inequality. In Stacked Decks, Professor Bartram reveals surprising patterns in the judgment calls inspectors make when deciding whom to cite for building code violations. These predominantly white, male inspectors largely recognize that they work within an unequal housing landscape that systematically disadvantages poor people and people of color through redlining, property taxes, and city spending that favor wealthy neighborhoods. Stacked Decks illustrates the uphill battle inspectors face when trying to change a housing system that works against those with the fewest resources.