Speaker Series: K-Sue Park

Dr. K-Sue Park will be presenting on her forthcoming law review article. This paper offers a history of the American title registry and its role in expanding the jurisdictional power of the English colonies in America, and then the United States. It argues that the examination, historical or theoretical, of U.S. sovereignty and property institutions, such as the registry, must depart from and center the question of the prior and ongoing sovereignty of Native nations across this land.
To register for this event, contact Sophie Kofman at skofman@abfn.org.
K-Sue Park is an Associate Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center. Her scholarship examines the development of American property law and the creation of the American real estate market through the histories of colonization and enslavement. She teaches first-year Property and a seminar entitled Land, Dispossession, and Displacement. Previously, she was the Critical Race Studies Fellow at UCLA School of Law and an Equal Justice Works Fellow and staff attorney in El Paso, where she investigated predatory mortgage lending schemes as part of Texas RioGrande Legal Aid’s foreclosure defense team.
Park earned her B.A. summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa honors from Cornell University, where she was a College Scholar, her M.Phil. with Distinction in Social and Political Sciences from the University of Cambridge, her J.D. cum laude from Harvard Law School, where she was a Presidential Scholar, and her Ph.D. in Rhetoric from UC Berkeley, where she was a Javits Fellow. She was also a Fulbright Scholar in South Korea in 2003.
In 2015, her article, “Money, Mortgages, and the Conquest of America,” won the American Bar Foundation’s Law & Social Inquiry Graduate Student Paper Competition and the Association for Law, Culture and the Humanities’ Austin Sarat Award, and was selected for the Law and Humanities Junior Scholar Workshop. Her publications have appeared in the Harvard Law Review, the Yale Law Journal, The University of Chicago Law Review, The History of the Present, Law & Social Inquiry, and the New York Times.